YAMAHA NVR500をCentOS7にインストールしたMRTGで負荷監視する設定

YAMAHA NVR500をCentOS7にインストールしたMRTGで負荷監視する設定 | Bamboo lath 日々の記録YAMAHA NVR500をCentOS7にインストールしたMRTGで負荷監視する設定




[root@localhost ~]# cat /etc/redhat-release 
CentOS Linux release 7.1.1503 (Core) 


[root@localhost ~]# yum install mrtg


[root@localhost ~]# cfgmaker --out=/etc/mrtg/mrtg.cfg --global "workdir: /var/www/mrtg" --global "Language:eucjp" public@
Use of uninitialized value $t in substitution (s///) at /bin/cfgmaker line 1375.
Use of uninitialized value $t in substitution (s///) at /bin/cfgmaker line 1376.
Use of uninitialized value $t in substitution (s///) at /bin/cfgmaker line 1377.
Use of uninitialized value $fs in pattern match (m//) at /bin/cfgmaker line 1382.
Use of uninitialized value $t in hash element at /bin/cfgmaker line 1383.
Use of uninitialized value $t in substitution (s///) at /bin/cfgmaker line 1375.
Use of uninitialized value $t in substitution (s///) at /bin/cfgmaker line 1376.
Use of uninitialized value $t in substitution (s///) at /bin/cfgmaker line 1377.
Use of uninitialized value $fs in pattern match (m//) at /bin/cfgmaker line 1382.
Use of uninitialized value $t in hash element at /bin/cfgmaker line 1383.
--base: Get Device Info on public@
SNMP Error:
no response received
SNMPv1_Session (remote host: "" [].161)
                  community: "public"
                 request ID: 132523945
                PDU bufsize: 8000 bytes
                    timeout: 2s
                    retries: 5
                    backoff: 1)
 at /usr/bin/../lib64/mrtg2/SNMP_util.pm line 651.
SNMPWALK Problem for on public@
 at /bin/cfgmaker line 951.
WARNING: Skipping public@ as no info could be retrieved

Use of uninitialized value $comment_sysdescr in substitution (s///) at /bin/cfgmaker line 379.
Use of uninitialized value $sysname in concatenation (.) or string at /bin/cfgmaker line 412.
Use of uninitialized value $comment_sysdescr in concatenation (.) or string at /bin/cfgmaker line 412.
Use of uninitialized value $syscontact in concatenation (.) or string at /bin/cfgmaker line 412.
Use of uninitialized value $syslocation in concatenation (.) or string at /bin/cfgmaker line 412.
--base: Writing /etc/mrtg/mrtg.cfg


snmp host any
snmp community read-only public


[root@localhost ~]# cfgmaker --out=/etc/mrtg/mrtg.cfg --global "workdir: /var/www/mrtg" --global "Language:eucjp" public@
Use of uninitialized value $t in substitution (s///) at /bin/cfgmaker line 1375.
Use of uninitialized value $t in substitution (s///) at /bin/cfgmaker line 1376.
Use of uninitialized value $t in substitution (s///) at /bin/cfgmaker line 1377.
Use of uninitialized value $fs in pattern match (m//) at /bin/cfgmaker line 1382.
Use of uninitialized value $t in hash element at /bin/cfgmaker line 1383.
Use of uninitialized value $t in substitution (s///) at /bin/cfgmaker line 1375.
Use of uninitialized value $t in substitution (s///) at /bin/cfgmaker line 1376.
Use of uninitialized value $t in substitution (s///) at /bin/cfgmaker line 1377.
Use of uninitialized value $fs in pattern match (m//) at /bin/cfgmaker line 1382.
Use of uninitialized value $t in hash element at /bin/cfgmaker line 1383.
--base: Get Device Info on public@
--base: Vendor Id: Unknown Vendor -
--base: Populating confcache
--base: Get Interface Info
--base: Walking ifIndex
--snpd:   public@ -> 1 -> ifIndex = 1
--snpd:   public@ -> 2 -> ifIndex = 2
--snpd:   public@ -> 3 -> ifIndex = 3
--snpd:   public@ -> 4 -> ifIndex = 4
--snpd:   public@ -> 52 -> ifIndex = 52
--snpd:   public@ -> 53 -> ifIndex = 53
--snpd:   public@ -> 54 -> ifIndex = 54
--snpd:   public@ -> 55 -> ifIndex = 55
--snpd:   public@ -> 56 -> ifIndex = 56
--snpd:   public@ -> 57 -> ifIndex = 57
--snpd:   public@ -> 58 -> ifIndex = 58
--snpd:   public@ -> 59 -> ifIndex = 59
--snpd:   public@ -> 60 -> ifIndex = 60
--snpd:   public@ -> 61 -> ifIndex = 61
--base: Walking ifType
--snpd:   public@ -> 1 -> ifType = 6
--snpd:   public@ -> 2 -> ifType = 6
--snpd:   public@ -> 3 -> ifType = 1
--snpd:   public@ -> 4 -> ifType = 20
--snpd:   public@ -> 52 -> ifType = 24
--snpd:   public@ -> 53 -> ifType = 24
--snpd:   public@ -> 54 -> ifType = 24
--snpd:   public@ -> 55 -> ifType = 24
--snpd:   public@ -> 56 -> ifType = 24
--snpd:   public@ -> 57 -> ifType = 24
--snpd:   public@ -> 58 -> ifType = 24
--snpd:   public@ -> 59 -> ifType = 24
--snpd:   public@ -> 60 -> ifType = 24
--snpd:   public@ -> 61 -> ifType = 24
--base: Walking ifAdminStatus
--snpd:   public@ -> 1 -> ifAdminStatus = 1
--snpd:   public@ -> 2 -> ifAdminStatus = 1
--snpd:   public@ -> 3 -> ifAdminStatus = 1
--snpd:   public@ -> 4 -> ifAdminStatus = 1
--snpd:   public@ -> 52 -> ifAdminStatus = 1
--snpd:   public@ -> 53 -> ifAdminStatus = 1
--snpd:   public@ -> 54 -> ifAdminStatus = 1
--snpd:   public@ -> 55 -> ifAdminStatus = 1
--snpd:   public@ -> 56 -> ifAdminStatus = 1
--snpd:   public@ -> 57 -> ifAdminStatus = 1
--snpd:   public@ -> 58 -> ifAdminStatus = 1
--snpd:   public@ -> 59 -> ifAdminStatus = 1
--snpd:   public@ -> 60 -> ifAdminStatus = 1
--snpd:   public@ -> 61 -> ifAdminStatus = 1
--base: Walking ifOperStatus
--snpd:   public@ -> 1 -> ifOperStatus = 1
--snpd:   public@ -> 2 -> ifOperStatus = 1
--snpd:   public@ -> 3 -> ifOperStatus = 2
--snpd:   public@ -> 4 -> ifOperStatus = 2
--snpd:   public@ -> 52 -> ifOperStatus = 1
--snpd:   public@ -> 53 -> ifOperStatus = 1
--snpd:   public@ -> 54 -> ifOperStatus = 1
--snpd:   public@ -> 55 -> ifOperStatus = 1
--snpd:   public@ -> 56 -> ifOperStatus = 1
--snpd:   public@ -> 57 -> ifOperStatus = 1
--snpd:   public@ -> 58 -> ifOperStatus = 1
--snpd:   public@ -> 59 -> ifOperStatus = 1
--snpd:   public@ -> 60 -> ifOperStatus = 1
--snpd:   public@ -> 61 -> ifOperStatus = 1
--base: Walking ifMtu
--snpd:   public@ -> 1 -> ifMtu = 1500
--snpd:   public@ -> 2 -> ifMtu = 1500
--snpd:   public@ -> 3 -> ifMtu = 1500
--snpd:   public@ -> 4 -> ifMtu = 1500
--snpd:   public@ -> 52 -> ifMtu = 65535
--snpd:   public@ -> 53 -> ifMtu = 65535
--snpd:   public@ -> 54 -> ifMtu = 65535
--snpd:   public@ -> 55 -> ifMtu = 65535
--snpd:   public@ -> 56 -> ifMtu = 65535
--snpd:   public@ -> 57 -> ifMtu = 65535
--snpd:   public@ -> 58 -> ifMtu = 65535
--snpd:   public@ -> 59 -> ifMtu = 65535
--snpd:   public@ -> 60 -> ifMtu = 65535
--snpd:   public@ -> 61 -> ifMtu = 65535
--base: Walking ifSpeed
--snpd:   public@ -> 1 -> ifSpeed = 1000000000
--snpd:   public@ -> 2 -> ifSpeed = 100000000
--snpd:   public@ -> 3 -> ifSpeed = 64000
--snpd:   public@ -> 4 -> ifSpeed = 128000
--snpd:   public@ -> 52 -> ifSpeed = 100000000
--snpd:   public@ -> 53 -> ifSpeed = 100000000
--snpd:   public@ -> 54 -> ifSpeed = 100000000
--snpd:   public@ -> 55 -> ifSpeed = 100000000
--snpd:   public@ -> 56 -> ifSpeed = 100000000
--snpd:   public@ -> 57 -> ifSpeed = 100000000
--snpd:   public@ -> 58 -> ifSpeed = 100000000
--snpd:   public@ -> 59 -> ifSpeed = 100000000
--snpd:   public@ -> 60 -> ifSpeed = 100000000
--snpd:   public@ -> 61 -> ifSpeed = 100000000
--base: Writing /etc/mrtg/mrtg.cfg


[root@localhost ~]# LANG=ja_JP.eucJP mrtg /etc/mrtg/mrtg.cfg
2015-06-15 11:05:29, Rateup WARNING: /usr/bin/rateup could not read the primary log file for
2015-06-15 11:05:29, Rateup WARNING: /usr/bin/rateup The backup log file for was invalid as well
2015-06-15 11:05:29, Rateup WARNING: /usr/bin/rateup Can't rename to updating log file
2015-06-15 11:05:29, Rateup WARNING: /usr/bin/rateup could not read the primary log file for
2015-06-15 11:05:29, Rateup WARNING: /usr/bin/rateup The backup log file for was invalid as well
2015-06-15 11:05:29, Rateup WARNING: /usr/bin/rateup Can't rename to updating log file
[root@localhost ~]# LANG=ja_JP.eucJP mrtg /etc/mrtg/mrtg.cfg
[root@localhost ~]# LANG=ja_JP.eucJP mrtg /etc/mrtg/mrtg.cfg


[root@localhost conf.d]# pwd
[root@localhost conf.d]# vim mrtg.conf 
<Location /mrtg>
    Require local
    Require ip
    AddDefaultCharset off
    # Require host example.org


[root@localhost mrtg]# vim /etc/mrtg/mrtg.cfg
#Options[_]: growright, bits


Options[_]: growright, bits


[root@localhost ~]# indexmaker /etc/mrtg/mrtg.cfg > /var/www/mrtg/index.html



[root@localhost ~]# vim /etc/cron.d/mrtg
[root@localhost ~]# cat /etc/cron.d/mrtg
*/5 * * * * root LANG=C LC_ALL=C /usr/bin/mrtg /etc/mrtg/mrtg.cfg --lock-file /var/lock/mrtg/mrtg_l --confcache-file /var/lib/mrtg/mrtg.ok

